Are You Wishing or Wanting?
One of the most common mistakes i have seen people make when discussing their dreams and goals, is the difference between wishing and...
Time and Money or Time vs. Money
It is the age old topic of the top 2 things everyone wishes they had more of. Oddly enough most people will have more of one and less of...
I Used To Think I Was An Entrepreneur, And Then...
My first venture into the world of business began at the age of 17, at that time i couldn't spell the word entrepreneur and for sure...
It is with great excitement that I am able to announce the release date of my first book! “God Was Self Employed” is set to release on...
YPR...Are you a part of the Revolution?
YPR Young People Revolution (YPR) is a movement that was started with a group of young people in association with a company called VEMMA....
Become a Communication Master
Become a Communication Master Communication 1. the imparting or exchanging of information or news. 2. means of connection between people...
Just Do It!
Just Do It “Winners just do it. But what do they do? They do whatever it takes to get the job done. They do it – and do it – and do it –...
My views on Success
I was recently asked by a friend, “What does it take to be successful?” So many of us define success as the amount of money we make or by...
"God was Self Employed"
“God was Self Employed”Over dinner and a glass of wine, a friend and I were discussing my book, “God was Self Employed.” Throughout the...
“I didn't grow up with a silver spoon; I grew up with a plastic fork.”
“I didn’t grow up with a silver spoon; I grew up with a plastic fork.”This has always been a light hearted joke I’ve made but in reality...