How I Won The Lottery!
Over the past couple weeks all it seems people have talked about is winning the billion dollar Powerball. There have been lines at all...
It's About Time...
Time…the most valuable commodity we have, and the most wasted. It is the one thing that we have that we are unsure of the amount that we...
Where are you going? Would you like to know how to finally get there???
Every year it is the same old thing, set new goals, which are usually the same as the last several years. Sometimes we even increase our...
You Can, You Will, You Must...3 Steps to the results you want.
Why are we not getting the results we want? Why do we continue not doing what we know we should? How can I get on the right track, and...
Are You Password Protected?
It seems that everything we do now involves some type of electronic device, from talking and texting to eBooks and blogging. Spare...
Are You "Thinking Under The Influence?"
January is always an exciting time of year, new goals, and new dreams, new hopes...a clean slate. The anticipation begins after Christmas...
Understanding Being Misunderstood
On the path of greatness being misunderstood is one of the most difficult things you will encounter. However, this should be a source of...
What do you want?
What do you want? That seems like an easy enough question. However, most people are not able to answer it with a specific reply. I...
It's Time To Get Your Freak On!
Just thinking about the title makes me think about the Rick James song, Super Freak. I might be showing my age a little with that...
Get Your "But" Out Of The Way!
Almost everywhere you go you can find people who want a better life. They want to be thinner, bigger, stronger, smarter, faster, more...