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It's About Time...

Time…the most valuable commodity we have, and the most wasted. It is the one thing that we have that we are unsure of the amount that we own, and once used can’t be replaced. It is talked about all throughout the day, (what time is it? You need to prioritize your time better, I’m working on my time management, I don’t have any time, call me when you get time, and I ain’t got time for that!!). One thing I know for sure, people ultimately do what they want to do, when they want to do it and with who they want to do it with.

As a success coach and speaker, I have studied dozens of people in my profession on their delivery and also their views of certain topics. I have found many of them when speaking of how to be successful tell their audience that they need to be 24/7/365 giving 120% and always be "on the grind". Well, I call Bullshit! This sounds great from stage when shouting and jumping around with motivational videos and music, but the truth is that the human body can’t sustain this. Don’t even get me started on the 120% thing, how is that even possible?????? In Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 it tells us that there is a time for everything. We are not designed nor were we created to always be “on the grind’, even God took a day of rest. Maybe He didn’t attend the conference where the guy said the only way to be successful was to be 24/7.

Many of my clients have the same desire, to accomplish more and to gain more control of their time. I believe that deep down we all want a variation of that, it is part of our spiritual DNA. Let’s take a look at this from a different perspective. What are you doing now in comparison to your ability? I mean, what percentage of your time and effort are you doing the best that you can to grow personally and work to achieve your dreams/goals? There is no right or wrong answer, it is what it is. Be bold enough to tell me and yourself the truth. Todd 101…”thou shalt not fooleth thyself”.

Now that we have established the percentage of where you are, our next move is to increase that percentage and monitor it. We want to build on successes no matter what size they are. Success and failure both effect the self-image by establishing a paradigm, which will have a direct impact on your activity. When you hear you have to be grinding all out every day, and then you can’t keep that pace for 30 days, you view that as failure and it damages your self-image. When you increase your activity level by 10% for 90 days your subconscious sees that as success and it fortifies your self-image to believe you can do more, and in turn you will do more. If I can help to just get you operating at 70% of your potential, you will be hall of fame in your chosen field of endeavor.

The Bible teaches us that whatever our hand finds to do, to do with all our might. But it doesn’t say to not rest or enjoy the blessings along the way. There is a difference between knowledge and wisdom, when you figure it out you will be well on your way to “True Prosperity”.

Live On Purpose

Todd McBroom


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