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Just Do It!

Just Do It “Winners just do it. But what do they do? They do whatever it takes to get the job done. They do it – and do it – and do it – until the job gets done. And then they talk about how great it is to be somebody they’re proud of. They talk about how great it is to finally have achieved something unique – how glad they are that they didn’t quit like everybody else – how wonderful it is to finally make a difference with their life. We need leaders in America who can “Do It!” – Art Williams

It is easy to quit, to give up, to throw in the towel when we are tired. What is not easy it to just do it and do it and do it until the job is done. Over the years I have listened to Art Williams speak and the simplicity of his words have always resonated with me. “Just do it.”

So, do what? Do whatever it is you aspire to do. Be whatever it is you aspire to be. We all have goals we would like to accomplish in our life. The difference is some of us will do what it takes to do what we dream of doing and other will settle for mediocrity. Art Williams refers to these people as winners and losers. The losers give up; they take the easy way out. “The winners do it…. They do it, and do it, and do it, and do it, until the job gets done. And then they talk about how great it is to finally have achieved something unique.

To be successful and to accomplish the goals you have set in your life you must decide that you are going to be successful. Stop making excuses and pardons for yourself as to why it didn’t get done. I am not telling you that realizing you dreams will be easy, nor am I telling you that every day you will reach a milestone. There will be days when you work and work but still you feel like you have nothing accomplished. Do not give up, just keep doing it.

“God was Self Employed” is set to release in the coming month and will be available for purchase on my website: and my personal blog: In the meantime, stay up to date with me through social media. Thank you so much for visiting my blog.

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