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It's Time To Get Your Freak On!

Just thinking about the title makes me think about the Rick James song, Super Freak. I might be showing my age a little with that reference, and if you don't know the song might I suggest YouTube. Using the word "freak" will bring different images to everyone reading this. In the past that word meant different things to me depending on the situation. I am going to focus this lesson on 2 definitions that I never thought about until recently.

Freak: 1) A person who is obsessed with or unusually enthusiastic about a specified interest

2) A person who has withdrawn from normal, rational behavior and activities to pursue one interest or obsession.

If I had never thought of myself as a "freak" before, I certainly do now. What is even more strange is that I have been a "freak" most of my life and didn't know it. I would be willing to bet that if we begin to look at people who are the top in their field, they are "freaks" too. I believe that it is imperative for a person to be obsessed and enthusiastic to achieve greatness. Is that all it takes? NO! But it is a great place to start.

Anyone that is around me at all will at some point hear me say, "I believe you can have anything you want, but I don't believe you can have everything you want." The reason I say this is that there are sacrifices that will be made on your journey. If you choose to never miss a soccer or baseball game, you will probably lose some business. If you miss some games to close a deal, you will miss some of life’s greatest joys. This balancing act will not be easy, unless, you are very clear on what it is you are trying to accomplish.

Looking at the second definition, I have never had a problem leaving "normal" behavior while pursuing my dream. Years ago I heard a quote, "observe the masses and do the opposite", since that time I have studied the results of "normal behavior" and decided to say, no thanks. Throughout history, the people who are now recognized as great, were at some time in their life considered abnormal. My question for you is this, what is the legacy you wish to leave for your family? Do you wish to be remembered as just a good person who never made waves or ruffled feathers and never made a mark???? Or, would you like to join me, and in the interest of your family for generations to come, become a "SUPER FREAK"??

Live On Purpose


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