"God was Self Employed"
“God was Self Employed”Over dinner and a glass of wine, a friend and I were discussing my book, “God was Self Employed.” Throughout the discussion my friend began to inquire as to why I decided to write a book and what goals I hoped to accomplish. As good friends usually do, his questions really got me thinking. Why did you decide to write a book? What goals do you hope to help the reader accomplish?The decision to write “God was Self-Employed” came from the goal of giving readers a new perspective on bible verses they have heard time and time again. I had never heard anyone take verses from the bible and apply them to not only personal but to a business aspect. I feel that as Christians we lead our personal lives by the moral teachings of the bible, so wouldn’t it make sense to lead our business lives the same?I also want to inspire readers to WANT to think. Anyone can read my book and understand what I am saying but I want readers to really challenge themselves to think critically. Really think about the success principles laid out in the book. I want to inspire people to WANT to think about how they can incorporate my suggestions into their lives. I want people to WANT to think about how they can make their lives better. What do you hope your book helps readers discover?I wrote the book with the entrepreneur in mind. The person who sees that there is more to life than clocking in at 8 and out at 5. That is the easy way out. I often ask people, “Would you sell your arm for $1million? What about your eyes for $5million? I have never gotten a “yes.” Well then how come you sell your entire body to a job you hate for 40 hours every week? We are so prone to taking the easy way out. I hope my readers discover the passion they have or discover a passion for becoming an entrepreneur. It is not easy, but it is rewarding.What is one piece of advice you would give to your readers?Make up your mind. Know what you want. Deciding to become an entrepreneur is not easy, there will be times when you have the choice of paying your employees or paying yourself. (A little hint: you will not get paid.) But if you really want to be successful you will persevere. Before you begin the journey of becoming a successful business owner ask yourself: What you do you want?Why do you want it?What are you willing to give up to get there?I believe whole heartedly that you can have ANYTHING in life, but not EVERYTHING. “God was Self Employed” will be available for electronic purchase mid-April. “God was Self- Employed” is set to be electronically released mid-April. In the meantime, stay up to date with me through social media. Thank you for visiting my blog.